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Straight from the Horse's Mouth

This lesson is coming to you straight from the horse's mouth.

If you hear something straight from the horse's mouth it means that you got the information directly from the person involved or from a reliable source.

Did you hear that Sally is pregnant? It must be true because she told me herself. I got it straight from the horse's mouth!

If you look a gift horse in the mouth it means that you are ungrateful or that you don't appreciate something that was given to you for free.

He gave his old car as a gift; I know its not a great one, but I wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.

A trojan horse is something that seems good or innocent at first but then turns out to be bad or malicious.

Is David's plan a Trojan Horse that will end the economic boom?

When you can eat a horse it means that you are extremely hungry.

I'm so hungry after my seven day fast. I could literally eat a horse!

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink is a proverb that means that you can only help somebody up to a certain point but it is up to them to take the final steps.

I have tried my best to assist him in getting the job by putting in a good word to the manager, but he hasn't even submitted his CV yet. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink!

To work like a horse means to work very hard.

We worked like horses to get all of the catering done before the event.

Putting the cart before the horse means doing things the wrong way around.

Don't put the cart before the horse by investing in a new shop before selling that old one first.

Horsing around means to play or act foolishly.

Stop horsing around and get back to work!

To hold your horses means to stop, wait or simply slow down and think before taking action.

Just hold your horses till we have official confirmation, then you can let the news out.

A dark horse is someone who surprises you by doing better than expected.

She's a bit of a dark horse: she was earning a fortune from the book she had written, but nobody knew.

To get back on the horse or to get back in the saddle means to try again if you fail at something.

You've had enough time to recover, it's time to get back on the horse and try again.

To get off your high horse is something someone might say to you if you think you are better than others.

Susan really needs to get off her high horse! She thinks she is better than everyone at everything!

To lock the barn door after the horse is already gone means to try to deal with something after it's too late.

They installed an alarm after the burglary. They locked the door after the horse had already gone.

If wild horses won't drag you away it means that nothing will stop you from being somewhere.

Wild horses won't be able to drag me away from being at your presentation tomorrow!

If you back the wrong horse then you support the wrong person.

I guess I backed the wrong horse thinking that you would be the one to succeed with this project.

When you beat a dead horse it means that you are trying to achieve something that is not achievable.

Trying to get you to take out the trash is like beating a dead horse! I'll just do it!

And when you say you are going to see a man about a horse it means that you want to go somewhere but you don't want the person to know exactly where. The bathroom usually.

Excuse me a moment, I need to go see a man about a horse.

A one horse town is used to describe a very small town or community.

I live in a one-horse town, and I like it very much.


  • Do you always make sure to get information straight from the horse's mouth, or do you listen to gossip?

  • Has anyone ever looked a gift horse in the mouth when you have done something for them or given them something?

  • Do you think that investing in crypto currency is a trojan horse?

  • Have you ever been so hungry that you could eat a horse?

  • Have you ever been in a situation where you have led a horse to water but couldn't make him/her drink?

  • Have you ever worked like a horse?

  • Have you ever put the cart before the horse?

  • Do you enjoy horsing around?

  • Have you ever had to hold your horses?

  • Do you know a dark horse?

  • Do you know anyone who got back on the horse and succeeded?

  • Have you ever told anyone to get off their high horse? Or been told to get off yours?

  • Have you ever been in a situation where you locked the barn door after the horse had already gone?

  • What could wild horses not drag you away from?

  • Have you ever backed the wrong horse?

  • Have you ever beaten a dead horse?

  • What do people in your language usually say when they want to go see a man about a horse?

  • Have you ever been in a one horse town?


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