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TOEFL Preparation: Lesson 5 - Time Efficiency

Target Words

  1. adjust

  2. arbitrary

  3. denominator

  4. exponentially

  5. infinitesimal

  6. maximize

  7. parallel

  8. proportion

  9. rate

  10. sequence

Definitions and Samples

1. adjust v. To change; to get accustomed to something

Travellers are advised to adjust their watches before arriving in the new time zone.

2. arbitrary adj. Chosen simply by whim or chance, not for any specific reason

The decision to build a school in Blackberry Township was arbitrary, without any thought to future housing patterns.

3. denominator n. The number written below the line in a fraction

In the fraction 1⁄2, the number 2 is the denominator.

4. exponentially adv. At a very fast rate

In Turkey, the value of the Lira has decreased exponentially in the last several decades.

5. infinitesimal adj. Immeasurably small

The number of contaminants in the water was infinitesimal, so the water was safe to drink.

6. maximize v. To increase or make as great as possible

A coach helps each athlete maximize his or her potential.

7. parallel adj. Being an equal distance apart everywhere

The street where I live runs parallel to the main road through town.

8. proportion n. A part in relation to the whole

The average employee spends a large proportion of each workday answering e-mails.

9. rate n. The cost per unit of a good or service; the motion or change that happens in a certain time.

Postal rates in Japan are among the highest in the world.

Some grasses grow at the rate of one inch per day.

10. sequence v. To organize or arrange in succession

Volunteers have been asked to sequence the files and organize the boxes.


Complete each sentence by filling in the blank with the best word from the list. Change the form of the word if necessary.

Use each word only once:

adjust arbitrary denominator infinitesimal rate

1. Students felt that the exam was unfair and the grading system was rather __________.

2. The __________ of increase in prices made it difficult for people to afford basic goods.

3. Politicians promised great changes in the coming year, but any improvement in people’s lives was __________.

4. She quickly overcame her culture shock and found it easy to __________ to the new country.

5. You can add two fractions that have the same __________.


Find the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the opposite of each word in the left-hand column.

1. arbitrary (a) mix up

2. maximize (b) intersecting

3. sequence (c) minimize

4. infinitesimal (d) huge

5. parallel (e) planned out

TOEFL Success

Read the passage to review the vocabulary you have learned. Answer the questions that follow.

Time is, as we all know, money. Such valuation of time leads people to extreme efforts to maximize their use of time. Some people obsess over knowing the exact time. They buy clocks and watches that automatically adjust themselves over the Internet or by radio waves. These measurements allow them infinitesimal accuracy in dealing with time.

Regardless of how one tracks time, most people share a common goal: They want to use time effectively. Since about 1982, this efficiency has increased exponentially each year, thanks to computers and their ability to multitask.

In multitasking, a computer executes several different tasks in parallel. Rather than being set arbitrarily, each task is given a priority in the computer’s operating system, and time is spent in proportion to the priority of the task. The computer executes different sequences of tasks at different clock cycles, thereby increasing the rate of output from a process.

1. Why does the author mention computer multitasking in this article?

a. because it is new

b. because it measures time better than any clock

c. because it helps people to arrange their activities sequentially

d. because it is a good example of the efficient use of time

2. The word sequences in the passage is closest in meaning to:

a. styles

b. lengths

c. orderings

d. difficulty levels

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